Wednesday, June 15, 2011

YouTube - visits Cranbrook Disc Golf Course

YouTube - visits Cranbrook Disc Golf Course: ""

Happy 30th birthday for Vollrath Park disc golf course | Sheboygan Press |

Happy 30th birthday for Vollrath Park disc golf course | Sheboygan Press | "Dennis Wield met his wife at a disc golf tournament, and two years later married her standing on a disc golf course. Larry Jansen started playing disc golf as a kid, taught his son, and now plays with his grandson."

Disc Golf Continuing to Expand Its Local Popularity - Florissant, MO Patch

Disc Golf Continuing to Expand Its Local Popularity - Florissant, MO Patch: "A man with a friend and a Frisbee will play catch. A man with just a Frisbee, however, plays disc golf.

With roots that trace back to any number of America’s backyards or church parking lots—whoever first thought it might be challenging to throw something at a tree or a stop sign—disc golf found its origins sometime shortly after the advent of the familiar plastic disc and has never looked back."