Sunday, June 5, 2016

Twin Ports offers options for disc golfers | Superior Telegram

Twin Ports offers options for disc golfers | Superior Telegram: "Midnight on the Mont du Lac ski hill, three young men stood on a peak overlooking a deep, grassy bowl. At the bottom, lit up by the ski hill lights, was a metal disc-golf basket. One by one, from their stationing on the peak, the men flung their discs the 300-foot downward drive into the center."

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Disc golf soaring in Flagstaff | Local |

Disc Golf

Disc golf soaring in Flagstaff | Local | "On Monday afternoon at the western edge of Thorpe Park, dozens of colorful discs curved around and between the tall ponderosas. Groups of twos, threes and fours meandered through the wooded course as they aimed their Frisbees at a total of 18 metal basket targets."

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